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Principal's Message

Angela Razza head shot

Welcome to the Frank G. Regan School community. It is a tremendous honor to serve as principal for the past eight years at Regan School. I truly enjoy serving this wonderful community and value my relationships with the students, families and staff. I feel so fortunate to have the privilege to be in a position where I can positively impact the lives of students, teachers, and others in my community.

As a principal, it is important to me that my staff and parents embrace the journey of teaching our youngsters together. We all have one common goal -- to provide your child the best education while setting high standards and providing the best instruction,  In addition, we are looking to create a nurturing, positive environment where we can instill the love of learning and challenge our students to prepare them for tomorrow's future. Working as a team will allow us to meet our goals.

I strongly believe that you are your child's first and best teacher. You begin with teaching your child the skills that will make them successful in life. These skills include the belief that their education is a priority, the guidance to always do their best work and instill a positive attitude that builds resilience; that if at first you do not succeed, you must try again. The values and good character that you teach your children will prepare them for a lifetime of success.

The school's role is to reinforce the values, good character and a strong work ethic that children learn and begin to develop at home. Research shows that the most important variable in a child's success in school is the parents' involvement in their child's education. Here are some ways to be involved in your child's education: Talk to your child every day about what is going on in school, discuss the completed assignments, check over homework after it is completed, keep lines of communication open with your child's teachers, attend and participate in your child's school activities as much as possible, attend parent-teacher conferences, guide the development of good work habits and school attendance, set high standards for the work that is performed, communicate high expectations for your child and let us know how we can best meet the needs of your child. 

I want to thank you in advance for supporting your child's success at Regan School. Please feel free to contact me at any time through ParentSquare, email or by phone. I look forward to working together for a successful school year and watching all of our children grow.

Warm regards,

Mrs. Angela Razza


Last updated 8/6/24